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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
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- «c7»In the EuroChart issue 41 I wrote an article called «c6»IRIS - Behind the
- Curtain «c7»where I warned you all.«»
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- What did I warn you about? Well, just read the article yourself and you'll
- soon discover it. Generally I warned you about the «c6»"friendly" «c7»forces of IRIS.
- So here I'll just include a small quote from that article: "There are not
- many mags left in the amiga scene these days, but somehow you find articles
- from the organizer of IRIS in all of them. It «c6»can't be any secret «c7»anymore
- that IRIS fight for worlddomination. At first they are just friendly and
- support all mags, but soon they start to take over. I suspect that IRIS will
- have all the mags left within a year to spread their propaganda. The EuroChart
- was just the beginning... so «c6»watch out editors".«»
- «»
- «c7»Well, no one took my warning serious. First «c6»IRIS infiltrated the EuroChart,
- «c7»and now it's a fact that the EC issue 44 will be an issue only done by
- them. They fast got Depth out of the way. But this is of course not all,
- they've continued to support all the other mags as well... and one by one
- they will take over them. Little did I know when I wrote my last article
- that «c6»D.I.S.C. would be the next mag «c7»out.«»
- «»
- Therefore it's time to tell you «c6»the truth about dirty affairs! «c7»The IRIS
- guys work in full secrecy, and gradually make all the mags depending on
- them. And now this is also the case with D.I.S.C. In this issue it has
- already been made a coop project between «c6»GODS and IRIS. «c7»But the question we
- all ask ourselves is: for how long? It's as always just a matter of time
- before the old D.I.S.C. team has been overthrown as well, and another mag
- has «c6»fallen into the arms of IRIS.«»
- «»
- «c7»So again I warn the few mags and editors out there that are left; be
- careful or you'll get the «c6»same destiny «c7»as the oldest mag alive: D.I.S.C.
- and the oldest chartmag alive: The EuroChart, very very soon!«»
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- © "There's a lunatic among us" - foundation.«»
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